Flat Fee Listing Features
Listed on Your Local MLS
We make sure you're listed in the correct MLS, primary to your area, unlike some of our competitors.
Maximum Exposure
Get listed on Realtor.com, Zillow.com, Trulia.com, and hundreds more.
Save 1/2 the Commisson
Save thousands vs. traditional "full-service" Realtors by listing "By Owner" with our team of limited-service Brokers.
6 Pictures in MLS
You'll get 6 pictures on the MLS, Realtor.com, and all other 3rd party websites.
Simple Process
Once you order, you'll be contacted by our Broker and listed on the MLS within 2 business days after he/she receives your listing forms.
Sell Faster and for More $$
The MLS is the proven way to sell your home in much less time than traditional FSBO marketing techniques, and for much more.
Sell your home For Sale By Owner | Nationwide Flat Fee MLS Listing Service
Don't pay a Realtor 6 - 7% to list your home or property on the MLS (Multiple Listing Service). Instead, list as a FSBO (For Sale By Owner) in the MLS for only $299. If you find a buyer, you pay NO commission. If a Realtor finds a buyer, you pay only 2 - 3%.
If you've made it to our site, you probably already know what a Flat Fee MLS listing is all about. You're most likely just shopping around for the best price, right? Well look no further! FlatFeeTopia.com has the lowest prices for Flat Fee MLS listings nationwide. There are NO hidden fees. Plus, our Flat Fee service is the most complete and comprehensive you will find anywhere.
Click on your State in the map below to get started. This will take you to a page where you'll find all the details of our Flat Fee listing program specific to your State. If you'd like more info on what a Flat Fee MLS listing is CLICK HERE . If you simply want to know what's included in our listings, select your state in the map below.
For Sale By Owner (FSBO, pronounced "fizzboh")
Chances are, if you’re trying to sell your home FSBO and haven’t listed with a Realtor, it’s because you don’t want to pay the typical 6-7% commission. You’d rather do the “work” involved in selling a home yourself and save the THOUSANDS of dollars a Realtor would charge to do it for you. The problem is, you’re missing out on the #1 way to market any home to potential buyers – the MLS or Multiple Listing Service.
Why the MLS?
If you want to sell your home quickly and for as much as possible, then you need to market it to as many buyers as possible. Makes sense, right? Did you know that 80-90% of all buyers currently looking for a home are using a Realtor to find it for them? And Realtors look to one place – the MLS. Those who don’t use Realtors and do their house hunting on their own will go to Realtor.com, if they know what they’re doing. Realtor.com is the #1 visited real estate website out there and ONLY offers homes listed with Realtors. No other website even comes close to offering as much exposure for a home.
$299 Flat Fee MLS Listing
FlatFeeTopia.com offers a service that is the perfect combination between FSBO and listing with a Realtor. It’s called the Flat Fee MLS Listing, and it will literally save you thousands of dollars while giving you the biggest benefit of listing with a Realtor – your home on the MLS and Realtor.com. If you’re not afraid to take phone calls from potential buyers and Realtors wanting to show your home, conduct negotiations and order title work from a title company… if the idea of literally saving THOUSANDS of dollars while still having the incomparable exposure of the MLS is appealing to you… then the Flat Fee MLS Listing could be the right choice for you!